Nov 13, 2006 #1 lbunch Programmer Sep 5, 2006 120 US How do I get the month and year of wdate to show as the month spelled out - If 6 then June and a two digit year '06? CStr(DatePart("m", {table.wdate}, 0) & CStr({table.wdate}, "yy"))
How do I get the month and year of wdate to show as the month spelled out - If 6 then June and a two digit year '06? CStr(DatePart("m", {table.wdate}, 0) & CStr({table.wdate}, "yy"))
Nov 13, 2006 #2 BobSuruncle Technical User Jun 18, 2002 423 CA CStr({table.wdate}, "MMMMyy") Bob Suruncle Upvote 0 Downvote