[tt]<!--- loop through all 12 months --->
<CFLOOP INDEX="m" FROM="1" TO="12">
<!--- thedate starts as the 1st of the month --->
<CFSET thedate = CreateDate(myyear,m,1)>
<!--- loop over current and next six days --->
<CFLOOP INDEX="wd" FROM="0" TO="6">
<CFIF DayOfWeek(thedate) IS myweekday>
<CFSET dayofmonth=Day(thedate)>
<CFSET thedate=DateAdd("d",1,thedate)>
<!--- move to the nth of the month --->
<CFSET n = Left(mynth,1) * 7 - 7>
<CFSET nthdate = CreateDate(myyear,m,dayofmonth)>
<CFSET nthdate = DateAdd("d",n,nthdate)>
<!--- if nth was 5th, it is possible that
we have gone past the end of the month --->
<CFIF Month(nthdate) EQ m>
<br />#DateFormat(nthdate,"mmm dd"#
<br />#DateFormat(thedate,"mmm"# has none
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