Each of the underlying tables in this union query has a Date field. How do I prompt for the date 1 time and apply to all the queries?
SELECT qry1Rpt.[Staff Assigned], qry1Rpt.Category, Sum(qry1Rpt.Hours) AS SumOfHours1
FROM qry1Rpt
Group By qry1Rpt.[Staff Assigned], qry1Rpt.Category
SELECT qry2Rpt.[Staff Name], qry2Rpt.Category, Sum(qry2Rpt.Hours) AS SumOfHours1
FROM qry2Rpt
Group By qry2Rpt.[Staff Name], qry2Rpt.Category
UNION SELECT qry3Rpt.[Staff Assigned], qry3Rpt.Category, Sum(qry3Rpt.SumOfHours) AS SumOfHours1
FROM qry3Rpt
Group By qry3Rpt.[Staff Assigned], qry3Rpt.Category
Having qry1Rpt.Date Between [type first range date ##/##/####] And [type second range date ##/##/###];
SELECT qry1Rpt.[Staff Assigned], qry1Rpt.Category, Sum(qry1Rpt.Hours) AS SumOfHours1
FROM qry1Rpt
Group By qry1Rpt.[Staff Assigned], qry1Rpt.Category
SELECT qry2Rpt.[Staff Name], qry2Rpt.Category, Sum(qry2Rpt.Hours) AS SumOfHours1
FROM qry2Rpt
Group By qry2Rpt.[Staff Name], qry2Rpt.Category
UNION SELECT qry3Rpt.[Staff Assigned], qry3Rpt.Category, Sum(qry3Rpt.SumOfHours) AS SumOfHours1
FROM qry3Rpt
Group By qry3Rpt.[Staff Assigned], qry3Rpt.Category
Having qry1Rpt.Date Between [type first range date ##/##/####] And [type second range date ##/##/###];