Using CR 2008, Orcale 11g
I am using a command object as source to the report. I created parameter {?startdate} and {?Enddate}.
Command object looks like this:
Select col1,col2,col3 from
Tab1 a
Where a.datefield >= {?startdate}
And a.datefield <= {?Enddate}
Report doesn’t seem to read any data even though the input dates I am entering has data.
Can anyone advise what is it am doing wrong? Tired with “between - and” clause(didn’t work)
It worked fine when not using any {?Enddate} and enter sql as below in command box
Select col1,col2,col3 from
Tab1 a
Where trunc(a.datefield) >= {?startdate}
And trunc(a.datefield) < trunc(sysdate) +1
Tried creating the parameter in the report rather than in the command. But how can I see if the dates were passed to SQL. Show SQL feature doesn’t show the passed dates after report execution.
I am using a command object as source to the report. I created parameter {?startdate} and {?Enddate}.
Command object looks like this:
Select col1,col2,col3 from
Tab1 a
Where a.datefield >= {?startdate}
And a.datefield <= {?Enddate}
Report doesn’t seem to read any data even though the input dates I am entering has data.
Can anyone advise what is it am doing wrong? Tired with “between - and” clause(didn’t work)
It worked fine when not using any {?Enddate} and enter sql as below in command box
Select col1,col2,col3 from
Tab1 a
Where trunc(a.datefield) >= {?startdate}
And trunc(a.datefield) < trunc(sysdate) +1
Tried creating the parameter in the report rather than in the command. But how can I see if the dates were passed to SQL. Show SQL feature doesn’t show the passed dates after report execution.