Afternoon all
Using Crystal XI Professional. I’m trying to create a date parameter that has the following options:
1 – LastFullWeek
2 – LastFullMonth
3 – Specify the Date Range
Some of my users would like to schedule the report and need the LFW and LFM options. Other users would like to select the data range. Can you have both in the same parameter?
If {?Date Parameter} = 1 then LastFullWeek else
If {?Date Parameter} = 2 then LastFullMonth else
Using Crystal XI Professional. I’m trying to create a date parameter that has the following options:
1 – LastFullWeek
2 – LastFullMonth
3 – Specify the Date Range
Some of my users would like to schedule the report and need the LFW and LFM options. Other users would like to select the data range. Can you have both in the same parameter?
If {?Date Parameter} = 1 then LastFullWeek else
If {?Date Parameter} = 2 then LastFullMonth else