Using Crystal V.6, I want my date parameter to have a default prompt of today's date. The report will normally be run for the current day. The prompt insists on a format of Date(2001, 03, 02). How can I use CurrentDate to show in the prompt?
Sorry Cath - I read/imagined your post to be "Crystal using VB6", not "Crystal V.6".
Crystal Descisions: CR Formulas is probably the better spot.
However, instead of using a date parameter, you could use a string parameter, and you could allow the user to type in "Today" etc (or make it your default value), and then convert that to a date with the following formula.
This formula also includes a function to convert strings to dates DTSToDate() which I don't believe was around in V6 - you'll have to eliminate that line, or use a rather convoluted method of converting it to a date (that I hope you are familiar with ;-) ).
//record selection formula
DateVar PromptDate;
If {?Prompt} = Tomorrow then
PromptDate := (DataDate + 1)
If {?Prompt} = Yesterday then
PromptDate := (DataDate - 1)
If {?Prompt} = Today then
PromptDate := (DataDate)
PromptDate := (DTSToDate({?Prompt}));
{} = PromptDate
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