I'have problem to write a sql query on my MSSQL Database. I have a field which contain date and time values in the unix format (seconds since 1/1/1970). I can convert the values without problem but I have a problem using GETDATE in the where clause.
I like to add a where clause to restrict data for only logs of today or for example tommorow. The filed is [log].time_stamp. I try this but the results show nothing and I'm sure that there is value, off course a problem of conversion...
SELECT call.ref_num, [log].description, loc.l_name, int_org.iorg_name, DATEADD(SECOND, [log].time_stamp, '01/01/1970') AS TIMELOG
FROM call_req call INNER JOIN
act_log [log] ON call.persid = [log].call_req_id INNER JOIN
ctct ON call.customer = ctct.id INNER JOIN
loc ON ctct.c_l_id = loc.id INNER JOIN
int_org ON ctct.c_org_id = int_org.id
WHERE (call.persid = 'cr:569514') AND ([log].type IN ('CB', 'LC', 'LO'))
AND DATEADD(SECOND, [log].time_stamp, '01/01/1970') = getdate()
Thanks for your help !
I'have problem to write a sql query on my MSSQL Database. I have a field which contain date and time values in the unix format (seconds since 1/1/1970). I can convert the values without problem but I have a problem using GETDATE in the where clause.
I like to add a where clause to restrict data for only logs of today or for example tommorow. The filed is [log].time_stamp. I try this but the results show nothing and I'm sure that there is value, off course a problem of conversion...
SELECT call.ref_num, [log].description, loc.l_name, int_org.iorg_name, DATEADD(SECOND, [log].time_stamp, '01/01/1970') AS TIMELOG
FROM call_req call INNER JOIN
act_log [log] ON call.persid = [log].call_req_id INNER JOIN
ctct ON call.customer = ctct.id INNER JOIN
loc ON ctct.c_l_id = loc.id INNER JOIN
int_org ON ctct.c_org_id = int_org.id
WHERE (call.persid = 'cr:569514') AND ([log].type IN ('CB', 'LC', 'LO'))
AND DATEADD(SECOND, [log].time_stamp, '01/01/1970') = getdate()
Thanks for your help !