I'm not aware of a "Format Date" function in Aspect. What I would do is get the date/time, then extract each part of the date and then format the date the way I want it. Here's a simple example:
proc main
integer Month, Day ; Integers to contain date and
integer Year, Hour ; time converted from long
integer Min, Sec ; Min and Sec.
;string MonStr ; String to contain month.
; Convert long time value into it's counter parts, year,
; month, day, hour, min, and sec.
ltimeints $LTIME Year Month Day Hour Min Sec
;monthstr Month MonStr ; Get the month in string format.
usermsg "IT's: %02d %d %d At: %d:%d" Month Day Year Hour Min
You May want to change the user message so that the Day Variable is printed before the Month Variable.
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