i made a small mistake but i don't want to rewrite my script
so perhaps there is an other way
i have 3 int values standing for year moth day
i didn't use the unixtimestamp - and yes i kn ow this would be easier
so my question.
is there a way, to get all the entries, which are in the future
like this:
where DATE(year,monthm,day) >= 'act_time'
i made a small mistake but i don't want to rewrite my script
so perhaps there is an other way
i have 3 int values standing for year moth day
i didn't use the unixtimestamp - and yes i kn ow this would be easier
so my question.
is there a way, to get all the entries, which are in the future
like this:
where DATE(year,monthm,day) >= 'act_time'