The above is a boolean that you might use in a record selection formula topull all records form the first quarter.
If {DateField} in Calendar1stQtr then {AmountField} else 0
The above is an example of how to capture the results of 1st quarter records in a formula field.
Also pull up the help on your functions and you will get lots of good stuff on the function sytax.
If you do not have your help files avalable and you are using IE 6, this is a known issue and there is a fix for this on the crystal decisions website.
I hope this helps.
Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Exact Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
Thanks it is a big help. I can't access the help files on my 8.5 install (and I learned CR from the help files back in v 6.0.)
Dates are tough on me but I still remember much from when I did this alot in v 7
thanx again
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