I'd like to include the formatting in a date field.
This doesn't work, but something like this ....
printf("<p><div id=\"date2\"> Updated: %s</div><br>", date($myrow["updated"], "D d/m/Y");
The basic code that works ok is
printf("<p><div id=\"date2\"> Updated: %s</div><br>", $myrow["updated"]);
but of course there's no formatting there. Anyone know how I could do it without putting a DATE_FORMAT() in the select query, please?
This doesn't work, but something like this ....
printf("<p><div id=\"date2\"> Updated: %s</div><br>", date($myrow["updated"], "D d/m/Y");
The basic code that works ok is
printf("<p><div id=\"date2\"> Updated: %s</div><br>", $myrow["updated"]);
but of course there's no formatting there. Anyone know how I could do it without putting a DATE_FORMAT() in the select query, please?