Hi all, please help me with:
1) I get the date format from Windows Control Panel with 'GetLocaleInfo()', these formats are:
dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
But I have mi date in a COleDateTime object and COleDateTime::Format() does not work with these date formats, ¿How can I format my COleDateTime with dd/MM/yyyy and dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy date formats?
2) Also, I have a CDateTimeCtrl and CDateTimeCtrl::SetFormat() works fine with dd/MM/yyyy and dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy, but it does not work with COleDateTime date formats.
¿How can I format my COleDateTime and CDateTimeCtrl using both date format styles?
3) I have a COleVariant with VT_BSTR, when some function needs a text (const char*, LPCSTR, etc) I pass: myOleVariant->bstrVal
some functions work fine, in some functions the compiler stops and some functions only get the fisrt char, ¿How can I access to text value of the COleVariant correctly?
Thanks in advance,
William GS
1) I get the date format from Windows Control Panel with 'GetLocaleInfo()', these formats are:
dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy
But I have mi date in a COleDateTime object and COleDateTime::Format() does not work with these date formats, ¿How can I format my COleDateTime with dd/MM/yyyy and dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy date formats?
2) Also, I have a CDateTimeCtrl and CDateTimeCtrl::SetFormat() works fine with dd/MM/yyyy and dddd, dd' de 'MMMM' de 'yyyy, but it does not work with COleDateTime date formats.
¿How can I format my COleDateTime and CDateTimeCtrl using both date format styles?
3) I have a COleVariant with VT_BSTR, when some function needs a text (const char*, LPCSTR, etc) I pass: myOleVariant->bstrVal
some functions work fine, in some functions the compiler stops and some functions only get the fisrt char, ¿How can I access to text value of the COleVariant correctly?
Thanks in advance,
William GS