Does anyone know how I can take the date and then convert it into a DDMMYY format ?
It is being used in an ASP page that calls the current days logs so there can't be any /.
Dim theDay, theMonth, theYear, theDate
theDay = Day(now())
if cstr(theDay) < 2 then
theDay = "0" & theDay
end if
theMonth = Month(now())
if cstr(theMonth) < 2 then
theMonth = "0" & theMonth
end if
theYear = Year(now())
theDate = theYear & theMonth & theDay '(swap these around for how you want it)
man where were you when I needed ya... heheh...
my problem was that I wanted to get my data and time to line up perfectly on a page with a list of times
MM-DD-YYYY hh:mm: tt
I finally did get it to work by first going into the control panel and changing the format in regional settings. And also by editing the registry:
HKEY_USERS/.DEFAULT/Control Panel/International
then with the FormatDateTime(date) method I got it the way I wanted. sorta (grin)
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