I am using a Crystal 10 report pointing to a SQL db.
I have a report with a paramter
1..Cancelled Equity. This is a boolean checkbox parameter that is automatically set to default to false.
The selection criteria is:
({?CancelledEquity} = FALSE AND isnull{Security.CancelDate})
or {?CancelledEquity} = TRUE)
The first part before the OR is working however when selecting true, it is not. It is still pulling in records where ther canceldate is null and if it is not null.
Do I need to also put in a criteria to check if the canceldate is not null? If so, how would I alter the selection critera?
I have a report with a paramter
1..Cancelled Equity. This is a boolean checkbox parameter that is automatically set to default to false.
The selection criteria is:
({?CancelledEquity} = FALSE AND isnull{Security.CancelDate})
or {?CancelledEquity} = TRUE)
The first part before the OR is working however when selecting true, it is not. It is still pulling in records where ther canceldate is null and if it is not null.
Do I need to also put in a criteria to check if the canceldate is not null? If so, how would I alter the selection critera?