Hi there,
In my form I have a field "txtStartDate" that populates a field in my table "tblassimilation" with a date when someone receives their new job description. From that date they have 3 months to request a review this is done by ticking a check box "ReviewRequested". What I need (I think) is something in the "AfterUpdate" of "ReviewRequested" to say that the date in "txtStartDate" is 90 days or older. I have tried variations of the code below but with no success (the second half).
Private Sub ReviewRequested_AfterUpdate()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
If (Me.ReviewRequested) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportReviewLetters", acViewPreview, "", "[PAYNO]=[Forms]![FrmJedSwitchboard]![text6]"
Exit Sub
End If
If (Me.txtStartDate > 90) Then
MsgBox "Too late Ha, Ha, Ha.", vbExclamation, "Required selection"
End Sub
As always if there is an easier way to do this I would be happy to try it.
In my form I have a field "txtStartDate" that populates a field in my table "tblassimilation" with a date when someone receives their new job description. From that date they have 3 months to request a review this is done by ticking a check box "ReviewRequested". What I need (I think) is something in the "AfterUpdate" of "ReviewRequested" to say that the date in "txtStartDate" is 90 days or older. I have tried variations of the code below but with no success (the second half).
Private Sub ReviewRequested_AfterUpdate()
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
If (Me.ReviewRequested) Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportReviewLetters", acViewPreview, "", "[PAYNO]=[Forms]![FrmJedSwitchboard]![text6]"
Exit Sub
End If
If (Me.txtStartDate > 90) Then
MsgBox "Too late Ha, Ha, Ha.", vbExclamation, "Required selection"
End Sub
As always if there is an easier way to do this I would be happy to try it.