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Dataset does not fill

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Sep 3, 2003
Something really strange has started occurring with a few of my datasets. I'll try to explain as best I can. I am creating a dataset by running queries against an Oracle database and merging the results into one dataset. The dataset contains two tables. When I run the code now, the first table is empty...however, the second table contains data. If I run the query for the first table using PL/SQL developer, I return close to 1000 records. This was not a problem until recently and nothing has changed with the code. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be causing this? I don't know how helpful the information is that I supplied, I can offer up more if needed.

Thank you.

basically a code that used to return 1000 rows now returns nothing?

"two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do" - the unknown sage
you may want to post some code as to how you fill the datatables and dataset...
Yes, that is correct. Code that was returning records now returns nothing, however I know the query works. Below is some code to show what I am doing:

strSQL = New StringBuilder("")
strSQL.Append("select distinct libegb ""Current status[W]"", tabdos.coddos || '-' || codpay || '-' || codtyp || tabbre.numero ""File Number"", ")
strSQL.Append("codpay ""Country [C]"", codage ""AGT"", (select distinct to_char(sui.datrea, 'MM/DD/YYYY') ")
strSQL.Append("from tabsui sui, tabeve eve ")
strSQL.Append("where sui.idedos = tabbre.idebre and sui.typdos = 'BRE' and ")
strSQL.Append("eve.ideeve = sui.ideeve and eve.codeve = 'SFA') as sfa_dte, ")
strSQL.Append("(select distinct to_char(sui2.datrea, 'MM/DD/YYYY') ")
strSQL.Append("from tabsui sui2, tabeve eve2 ")
strSQL.Append("where sui2.idedos = tabbre.idebre and sui2.typdos = 'BRE' and ")
strSQL.Append("eve2.ideeve = sui2.ideeve and eve2.codeve = 'FLG' and codpay != 'US') as for_file, ")
strSQL.Append("(select distinct to_char(sui3.datrea, 'MM/DD/YYYY') ")
strSQL.Append("from tabsui sui3, tabeve eve3, tabpay pay3, tabbre bre3 ")
strSQL.Append("where sui3.idedos = bre3.idedos and sui3.typdos = 'BRE' and ")
strSQL.Append("eve3.ideeve = sui3.ideeve and eve3.codeve = 'FLG' and ")
strSQL.Append("bre3.idepay = pay3.idepay and pay3.codpay = 'US' and ")
strSQL.Append("tabdos.idedos = bre3.idedos) as us_file, ")
strSQL.Append("(select distinct to_char(sui4.datrea, 'MM/DD/YYYY') ")
strSQL.Append("from tabsui sui4, tabeve eve4, tabpay pay4, tabbre bre4 ")
strSQL.Append("where sui4.idedos = bre4.idedos and sui4.typdos = 'BRE' and ")
strSQL.Append("eve4.ideeve = sui4.ideeve and eve4.codeve = 'PTO' and ")
strSQL.Append("bre4.idepay = pay4.idepay and pay4.codpay = 'US' and ")
strSQL.Append("tabdos.idedos = bre4.idedos) as mld_dte, ")
strSQL.Append("to_char(brepri.datdep, 'MM/DD/YYYY') as cnv_dte ")
strSQL.Append("from brepri, tabbre, tabdos, tabpay, tabtyp, tabing, tabage, tabeve, tabtec ")
strSQL.Append(" where tabdos.idedos = tabbre.idedos and tabpay.idepay = tabbre.idepay and ")
strSQL.Append("tabtyp.idetyp = tabbre.idetyp and tabbre.ideatt = tabing.ideing and ")
strSQL.Append("tabbre.ageloc = tabage.ideage(+) and ")
strSQL.Append("tabbre.idebre = brepri.idebre(+) and ")
strSQL.Append("tabeve.ideeve = tabbre.ideeve and ")
strSQL.Append("tabbre.idetec = tabtec.idetec and ")
strSQL.Append("(codpay != 'US' and codeve in ('ABD', 'FLD', 'FLG', 'SFA') and codtec != 'TIJ' and ")
strSQL.Append("codtyp not in ('DP', 'RD') ")
strSQL.Append("and brepri.idepri = (select min(idepri) from brepri where brepri.idebre = tabbre.idebre and brepri.datdep = (select min(datdep) from brepri where brepri.idebre = tabbre.idebre)) ") ' and ")

sqlGROUP = New StringBuilder("")
sqlGROUP.Append("ORDER BY codpay, codage, cnv_dte ")
Session("strSQL") = strSQL.ToString
Session("sqlGroup") = sqlGROUP.ToString
critSQL.Append("tabbre.idebre = (select distinct tabbre.idebre ")
critSQL.Append("from tabsui suiUS, tabeve eveUS, tabpay payUS, tabbre breUS ")
critSQL.Append("where suiUS.idedos = breUS.idedos and suiUS.typdos = 'BRE' and ")
critSQL.Append("eveUS.ideeve = suiUS.ideeve and eveUS.codeve = 'FLG' and ")
critSQL.Append("breUS.idepay = payUS.idepay and payUS.codpay = 'US' and ")
critSQL.Append("tabdos.idedos = breUS.idedos and suiUS.datrea between to_date('" & startDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & "','YYYYMMDD') and to_date('" & endDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") & "','YYYYMMDD')) ")

Session("critSQL") = critSQL.ToString
myDataSet = getDataSource.GetDataSet(Session("strSQL") & Session("critSQL") & Session("sqlGROUP"), strConn, "tblFORFIL")
myDataSet2 = getDataSource.GetDataSet(Session("sqlNotCounted") & Session("critSQL") & Session("sqlGROUP"), strConn, "tblFORFIL2")
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