VB.Net 2008 with SQL 2005. Some of my forms and data grid views don't display properly on client's Win 7 computer. Let's deal with the grid first. Here's the cod on the Form load.
Her's the code in my refresh data sub
Now, all of this displays properly on my machine, but on the client's computer the ParcelNo column is always too narrow to display the contents. All of the ParcelNo entries are the same length. In the designer I have set the CellStyle font to Microsoft Sans Serif, 8.25pt. Am I doing something wrong here? Is it a Font issue?
Sylvania/Toledo Ohio
dgvParcel.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.None
dgvParcel.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.None
dgvParcel.EnableHeadersVisualStyles = False
dgvParcel.RowHeadersWidth = 22
dsParcel = ParcelSelect(CurrentTaxYear, other filter items here, .......)
dgvParcel.DataSource = dsParcel.Tables(0)
dgvParcel.Columns("EditCount").Visible = False
dgvParcel.Columns("ParcelNo").HeaderText = "Parcel #"
dgvParcel.Columns("ParcelNo").Width = 65
dgvParcel.Columns("StreetNo").HeaderText = "Street #"
dgvParcel.Columns("StreetNo").Width = 40
Sylvania/Toledo Ohio