if i have a datagridview that is populated with an xml file.
I have images in a resource file that i'd like to show in the datagridview based on values in one of the column say light
I was thinking I could use int i and i++ through the foreach loop and that way reference DataGridView my column and row, but I don't know how to reference the column in datagridview1 also not sure if i am supposed to user setvalues()
any pointer very much appreciated.
I have images in a resource file that i'd like to show in the datagridview based on values in one of the column say light
foreach (DataRow dr in myDataSet.Tables["tblXMLExport"].Rows)
switch (dr["Light"].ToString())
case "YELLOW":
DONTKNOWWHATTOPUTHERE = NewModel.Properties.Resources.yellow;
I was thinking I could use int i and i++ through the foreach loop and that way reference DataGridView my column and row, but I don't know how to reference the column in datagridview1 also not sure if i am supposed to user setvalues()
any pointer very much appreciated.