I am realizing that learning .NET is like learning how to use a snowboard. You take alot of falls initially and then control begins to set in....
I am very impressed with the functionality of the DataGrid but am having a heck of a time getting a "fire" event to come off a Pushbutton. Most of the examples in my books, and on the that 99% of the time one should preferably use a "Linkbutton" which fires without problem.
The Pushbutton, when bound to a field, "looks great"...but I had to abandon that approach for a Linkbutton so as not to hamper development time. I tried to send info to a text box on the "SelectIndexChanged" event of the Grid, which I then planned to set to Auto Postback to process. But no luck (realizing of course that I am not "Grid" competent at this point).
The DataGrid is extremely useful, but I have found most of the articles on the net deal with putting functionality and data into the Grid; and very few on getting it out.
Without spending any time, anyone out there have a hint on this? Or a good link? I include here a link to a page from a young fellow who summarized his experience with getting data out of a Grid - just in case one wants to review it.
Thanks in advance.
I am very impressed with the functionality of the DataGrid but am having a heck of a time getting a "fire" event to come off a Pushbutton. Most of the examples in my books, and on the that 99% of the time one should preferably use a "Linkbutton" which fires without problem.
The Pushbutton, when bound to a field, "looks great"...but I had to abandon that approach for a Linkbutton so as not to hamper development time. I tried to send info to a text box on the "SelectIndexChanged" event of the Grid, which I then planned to set to Auto Postback to process. But no luck (realizing of course that I am not "Grid" competent at this point).
The DataGrid is extremely useful, but I have found most of the articles on the net deal with putting functionality and data into the Grid; and very few on getting it out.
Without spending any time, anyone out there have a hint on this? Or a good link? I include here a link to a page from a young fellow who summarized his experience with getting data out of a Grid - just in case one wants to review it.
Thanks in advance.