I have created a form in Visual Basic 6.0 with a DataComboBox (Microsoft DataListControls SP3) on it.
The DataComboBox is connected as follows:
Set cmbTest.DataSource = rsDest
cmbTest.DataField = "fldFirst"
Set cmbTest.RowSource = rsSource
cmbTest.BoundColumn = "fldSource"
cmbTest.ListField = "fldSource"
If I select a new value in the DataComboBox, nothing seems to happen to the recordset; the Editmode is unchanged and after rsDest.update the new value is not assigned to the recordset. If I instead move the record pointer of the recordset, the value is at last assigned to the recordset.
Do rsDest.editmode and rsDest.update not work with the ADO DataComboBox? And what if I use an standard textbox who do react to these methods??
Of course I can avoid these problems by using the .movenext and .moveprev methods, but I wonder if that is how I it ment to be.
Does anybody know the answer ??
Thanks in advance.
the Netherlands