Hi guys,
For a job interview I've been asked to give an overview what devices I can find in a datacenter, and how far my knowledge goes regarding those devices.I must admit, I'm a sysadmin in a rather small company , our "datacenter" isnt bigger then a classroom,so I haven't got a clue what to expect in a datacenter of a major company like a bank , multinational ,....I hope that maybe you guys can give me some examples of realtime situations
What I've come up with so far( located in our "datacenter") :
passport, switches,hubs, routers, firewalls,SAN storage ,backup devices (tape units),unix servers,mainframes,windows servers.
Any additions would be welcome
Thx in advance,
kind regards,
For a job interview I've been asked to give an overview what devices I can find in a datacenter, and how far my knowledge goes regarding those devices.I must admit, I'm a sysadmin in a rather small company , our "datacenter" isnt bigger then a classroom,so I haven't got a clue what to expect in a datacenter of a major company like a bank , multinational ,....I hope that maybe you guys can give me some examples of realtime situations
What I've come up with so far( located in our "datacenter") :
passport, switches,hubs, routers, firewalls,SAN storage ,backup devices (tape units),unix servers,mainframes,windows servers.
Any additions would be welcome
Thx in advance,
kind regards,