hello i've got a problem again
<font COLOR="#000000"><%=Server.HTMLEncode(rs.Fields("name"
.Value)& ""%></font><br>
with & "" i tried to bypase the problem that there is sometimes a empty field in the database but it just doesn't wont to work. has somebody got a solution?
my secound problem is that i've got a secound table with a couple email-adresses to each actual record. how can i display these email-adresses? [sig][/sig]
<font COLOR="#000000"><%=Server.HTMLEncode(rs.Fields("name"
with & "" i tried to bypase the problem that there is sometimes a empty field in the database but it just doesn't wont to work. has somebody got a solution?
my secound problem is that i've got a secound table with a couple email-adresses to each actual record. how can i display these email-adresses? [sig][/sig]