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database using network user IDs

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Technical User
Jul 2, 2001
I have a database in which I am using the following module to get the network user ID. I want to avoid having the user having to login again to Access. The database opens with a form that has a field that picks up the network user ID using this module:

Option Compare Database

Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _
"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function fOSUserName() As String
' Returns the network login name
Dim lngLen As Long, lngX As Long
Dim strUserName As String, strerror As String

strUserName = String$(254, 0)
lngLen = 255
lngX = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen)

If lngX <> 0 Then
fOSUserName = left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1)
fOSUserName = &quot;&quot;
End If

'if null then tell the user that no valid log-in was captured
If fOSUserName = &quot;&quot; Then
strerror = &quot;No Valid user id was detected!&quot; & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
strerror = strerror & &quot;Are you logged into Novell?&quot; & vbCrLf

MsgBox strerror, vbCritical, strDbName
End If

End Function

Based on the name in that field, I want to tie that field and compare the name to the entries I have in a table I have created that stipulates the permissions. I have written the following (or a variation of the following) to direct the user to the appropriate switchboard. Since I am not a programmer, I cannot figure out how to tie the two. Have I overcomplicated things?

Can I use the access security in conjunction with the network user ID module and the table instead?

Dim uPass As String
uPass = DLookup(&quot;[fldDepartment]&quot;, &quot;westek users&quot;, &quot;[fldID]=[forms]![frm_splash]![cUser]&quot;)
If uPass = &quot;Admin&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Sales Mgmt&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Sales Switchboard&quot;
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Marketing Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Materials&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Materials Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Fiber&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Fiber Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;HR&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;HR Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Facilities&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Facilities Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Planning&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Planning Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;MIS&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;MIS Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Corporate&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;QC&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;QC Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Engineering&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Engineering Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Accounting&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Accounting Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Production&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Production Switchboard&quot;
ElseIf uPass = &quot;Operations&quot; Then
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Materials Switchboard&quot;
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Fiber Switchboard&quot;
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Facilities Switchboard&quot;
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Planning Switchboard&quot;
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;QC Switchboard&quot;
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Production Switchboard&quot;
DoCmd.OpenForm &quot;Engineering Switchboard&quot;

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