I'm extremely new to Powerbuilder and really programming in general, but I developed a little app to process the payroll that I do for a really small client. The app uses a Microsoft Access database (because that is the only way I could figure out how to put it on a computer that doesn't have Powerbuilder) When I run the app on the computer that has Powerbuilder on it, it runs great. But, when I put it on a stand alone computer the only way that I could get it to work was to go into the ODBC data sources under Administrative tools (I'm using a Windows platform) and set up a Microsoft Access data source and point it to the path where my database is. It runs really slow this way. Is there anything simple I can do to fix this? Like I said I'm really new to Powerbuilder so it can't be very complex. I don't have a lot of time to spend on this.