Good Morning to Everyone
I have heard about the database replication but apparently there is not much informations about it.
I know this is a procedere to make a database replicated in another copy so that if a field of the db is modified, the same field is modified in the replica as well.
On Internet I found out a simple procedure to do so as follows:
open the db exclusive
click Create Replica from Replication from Tools Menu
click yes to close the current db
click yes to create a backup
select location of New Replica in a dialog box.
(So far I have duly followed the above tutorials, but from now on I do not understand how to do. The tutorial continues with:
click the "Priority Button"
type the "Priority" for the replica
click Ok
check the "Preventes Deletes" checkBox if you do not want users to delete records in the replica
select the "Replica Visibility" from the Save As Type box.
Well I cannot find any of the above buttons or checkboxes.
(I have Access 2000)
Pls kindly explain me in few words how to do that.
Very grateful for Yr time and attention
Best Regards
I have heard about the database replication but apparently there is not much informations about it.
I know this is a procedere to make a database replicated in another copy so that if a field of the db is modified, the same field is modified in the replica as well.
On Internet I found out a simple procedure to do so as follows:
open the db exclusive
click Create Replica from Replication from Tools Menu
click yes to close the current db
click yes to create a backup
select location of New Replica in a dialog box.
(So far I have duly followed the above tutorials, but from now on I do not understand how to do. The tutorial continues with:
click the "Priority Button"
type the "Priority" for the replica
click Ok
check the "Preventes Deletes" checkBox if you do not want users to delete records in the replica
select the "Replica Visibility" from the Save As Type box.
Well I cannot find any of the above buttons or checkboxes.
(I have Access 2000)
Pls kindly explain me in few words how to do that.
Very grateful for Yr time and attention
Best Regards