What exactly means the options (File/Options) in database section:
"perform grouping on server"
"perform query asynchronously"
I just guess it is database connection related ...
Perform Grouping On Server
This check box is only available if the Use Indexes or Server For Speed check box is selected.
Note: This option is not available for reports created from OLAP data.
Select this check box to have the program perform grouping on the server (server-side processing). Server-side processing allows you to set up a report that performs the majority of its processing on the server and pushes only relevant details to your computer. Server-side processing provides you with a number of benefits:
Less time connected to the server.
Less memory needed to process the report on your computer.
Lower transfer time from the server to the client.
Server-side processing works only for reports based on SQL data sources (you cannot, for example, use server-side processing for a report based on a query, since a query is not an SQL data source).
Perform Query Asynchronously
Retrieving data from the database server can be divided into two parts: executing the SQL statement and fetching the rowset from the database server. Selecting this option allows Crystal Reports to execute the SQL statement asynchronously, which means that instead of waiting for the SQL statement to finish executing, the program checks intermittently to see if the user wants to cancel the process. This option is not selected by default.
In theory the Perform Grouping on Server means that if you design the report properly and it's a SQL language based database it will insert a GROUP BY clause into the SQL.
Perform query asynchronously refers to how Crystal will interact with the database and is driver dependent:
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