I've been having problems with MySQL Control Center and have decided to try some other solutions. I've narrowed it down to the following two (unless anyone has a better solution) -
Navicat Sqlyog
They are both good. I don't know which one to use, I like Navicat's simple layout but I think that Sqlyog may have more features. I also tried MySQL Explorer - which also includes a nice diagram feature. Anyway they all have 30 day trials so I'll play around with them for a few weeks.
If anyone has any feedback on these products I would be most interested.
#### Duplicate posting on dbforums
I've been having problems with MySQL Control Center and have decided to try some other solutions. I've narrowed it down to the following two (unless anyone has a better solution) -
Navicat Sqlyog
They are both good. I don't know which one to use, I like Navicat's simple layout but I think that Sqlyog may have more features. I also tried MySQL Explorer - which also includes a nice diagram feature. Anyway they all have 30 day trials so I'll play around with them for a few weeks.
If anyone has any feedback on these products I would be most interested.
#### Duplicate posting on dbforums