Looking for suggestions on database design, I'm a bit of a newbie.
I've been asked to put together a database to store apparel product data for a small (approx. 25) number of products. However, they seem to come with a lot of variety.
For example, we clearly need this information:
product id
product name
long description
But then we have variety in price, size, and color. For example, one product line looks like this:
Product Color Size Price
Golf shirt white s $8
" blue s $8
" red s $8
" white xl $10
And so on, with more variation than that. Obviously, this database will require multiple tables, but I haven't a clue how to handle it. Basically, each product can have multiple sizes, multiple prices, and multiple colors.
Any suggestions would be greatly accepted!
Steve Battisti
I've been asked to put together a database to store apparel product data for a small (approx. 25) number of products. However, they seem to come with a lot of variety.
For example, we clearly need this information:
product id
product name
long description
But then we have variety in price, size, and color. For example, one product line looks like this:
Product Color Size Price
Golf shirt white s $8
" blue s $8
" red s $8
" white xl $10
And so on, with more variation than that. Obviously, this database will require multiple tables, but I haven't a clue how to handle it. Basically, each product can have multiple sizes, multiple prices, and multiple colors.
Any suggestions would be greatly accepted!
Steve Battisti