I have a database to manage a library. I have created a table for "books" with a primary key (p.k.) "coddoc", another one for "authors" with p.k. "codaut" and a third one
with only two colums which are coddoc and codaut, which is related with the two previous ones.
For books with more than one author I get more than one row when executing select.
I wonder if another table design would be better. I could for example have new columns in my books table which would refer to author.
Thank you
I have a database to manage a library. I have created a table for "books" with a primary key (p.k.) "coddoc", another one for "authors" with p.k. "codaut" and a third one
with only two colums which are coddoc and codaut, which is related with the two previous ones.
For books with more than one author I get more than one row when executing select.
I wonder if another table design would be better. I could for example have new columns in my books table which would refer to author.
Thank you