In reading through the topics in the book I am finding the concept of normalization to be a little confusing, particularly when it comes to how it should be applied to my needs. I need to create a database with a variety of user information. The table might have uniqueID, name, address, favorite color, ect. And finally a columns called other users. The other users column would be, as the same implies the Unique ID of all the other users in that individuals “network”. Lets say me, John Doe has ten other users in my “network”. I could store a list of all those users Unique IDs in one of the columns but this breaks the rules of proper database design. My question is, what is the best way to do this. I know the example is a little confusing but I don’t know how else to phrase it. Basically each user needs to be linked to a number of other users from the same database. Each of those users is in turn linked back to that user and perhaps a different set of users much like a node. I included a diagram to help.
Joe --------|
| Ron
| | |
| ---Phil---Jen
Joes Network; Kevin, Ron, Phil
Kevin’s Network; Ron, Joe
Ron’s Network; Phil, Jen, Kevin, Joe
Phil’s Network; Jen, Joe, Ron
Jen’s Network; Ron, Phil
Joe --------|
| Ron
| | |
| ---Phil---Jen
Joes Network; Kevin, Ron, Phil
Kevin’s Network; Ron, Joe
Ron’s Network; Phil, Jen, Kevin, Joe
Phil’s Network; Jen, Joe, Ron
Jen’s Network; Ron, Phil