not sure exactly what you mean by "compress" in SQL 7. I know Access let's you "compress" (i.e. rebuild the MDB file to eliminate the space formery used by deleted objects which Jet is too stupid to reclaim) but enough about M$ products.
Oracle is already extremely efficient with space usage (assuming reasonable skill level of DBA/developer) so there usually isn't a whole lot of "fat" to be trimmed assuming:
1) proper storage clauses were used for tables/indexes (ex. PCTFREE 0 for static tables)
2) extents have not become fragmented due to high volume of DELETEs (export/import to fix).
3) datafiles were not grossly oversized (query DBA_EXTENTS and resize if appropriate).
I've never tried this but I'd assume that you COULD put datafiles on a compressed file system on NT but I would STRONGLY recommend against it (only possible exception would be DSS/small warehouse which could afford occasional downtime and had proven recovery plan).
you CANNOT put datafiles on a compressed Netware file system - Oracle bypasses the file system and the compression stuff -- might do the same with NT, so tread careful. Mike
Email welcome if you're in a hurry or something -- but post in tek-tips as well please, and I will post my reply here as well.
There's no Oracle "Compression Mode", that I know of anyway.
DBA's *do* sometimes reorganise databases, which can have the effect of reducing the overall size but that's not usually why they do it. It's more usually done to make the database more efficient, faster. Mike
Email welcome if you're in a hurry or something -- but post in tek-tips as well please, and I will post my reply here as well.
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