I am a little confused on the appropriate strategy for locking rows in a database when an application has read them in for a user to modify before updating.
If I use a DataAdapter the default isolation level is ReadOptimistic.
When the dataAdapter attempts to update the rows, some could fail because another application has updated them since the data was read.
How can I set the isolation level to pessimistic and prevent other applications updating the rows until my application releases them via MyAdapter.Update(MyDataSet). I guess I am asking how to lock records for exclusive access while a DataAdapter presents rows to a user to edit until the MyAdapter.Update(MYdataSet) is executed.
Dazed and confused.
Remember.. 'Depression is just anger without enthusiasum'.
If I use a DataAdapter the default isolation level is ReadOptimistic.
When the dataAdapter attempts to update the rows, some could fail because another application has updated them since the data was read.
How can I set the isolation level to pessimistic and prevent other applications updating the rows until my application releases them via MyAdapter.Update(MyDataSet). I guess I am asking how to lock records for exclusive access while a DataAdapter presents rows to a user to edit until the MyAdapter.Update(MYdataSet) is executed.
Dazed and confused.
Remember.. 'Depression is just anger without enthusiasum'.