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Data truncated when returned from SQL

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Apr 16, 2001
I have a page that has been working horribly against an Access database and I have decided to move the database to SQL. The original select statements were using 'DISTINCTROW' in the code which I converted to 'DISTINT' for SQL. The problem I have now is that the records being returned from the SQL database are being truncated at some point between the web server and the client. The most noticeable truncation is in the #URL# data. The database has all the necessary data. Below is some sample code for review. I am still on the learning curve for Cold Fusion, so this is still very new to me. I appreciate any help at this point.

<cfquery name="getheadline" datasource="site1">
SELECT tblHeadline.Content_ID, tblHeadline.URL, tblHeadline.Active
FROM tblHeadline
WHERE (((tblHeadline.LinkID)=#machine#));
<cfoutput query="getheadline">
<b> <cfif (#active# is 1)> <A HREF="#url#">
<div align="center">#content_id#

<cfif #machine# is "4">
<cfquery name="machinetype" datasource="site1">
SELECT DISTINCT MachineAccessLevel.ID, MachineAccessLevel.RowType, MachineAccessLevel.SequenceNumber, MachineAccessLevel.HP_ID, MachineAccessLevel.Machine_ID, CAT.ID, MachineAccessLevel.HeadingDesc, CAT.*
FROM MachineAccessLevel LEFT JOIN CAT ON MachineAccessLevel.HP_ID = CAT.ID
WHERE ((MachineAccessLevel.Machine_ID=4)) OR ((MachineAccessLevel.Machine_ID=1))
ORDER BY MachineAccessLevel.SequenceNumber;
<cfquery name="machinetype" datasource="site1">
SELECT DISTINCT MachineAccessLevel.ID, MachineAccessLevel.RowType, MachineAccessLevel.SequenceNumber, MachineAccessLevel.HP_ID, MachineAccessLevel.Machine_ID, CAT.ID, CAT.Active, MachineAccessLevel.HeadingDesc, CAT.*
FROM MachineAccessLevel LEFT JOIN CAT ON MachineAccessLevel.HP_ID = CAT.ID
WHERE ((MachineAccessLevel.Machine_ID=#machine#))
ORDER BY MachineAccessLevel.SequenceNumber;
<CFOutput query="machinetype">
<CFIF #RowType# IS "0">
<CFIF #machinetype.IsParent#>
<IMG SRC="/graphics/space15.gif"><FONT face="Trebuchet MS" SIZE=-1><IMG SRC='/graphics/dot.gif' border=0>
<A href='/f_b3b.cfm?ID=#HP_ID#'>#CONTENT_ID#</A></font><br>
<IMG SRC="/graphics/space15.gif"><FONT face="Trebuchet MS" SIZE=-1><IMG SRC='/graphics/dot.gif' border=0>
<A href='#URL#'>#Content_ID#</A></font><br>
<CFElseif #RowType# IS "1">
<br><B><FONT face="Trebuchet MS" SIZE=-1>#HeadingDesc#</FONT></b><br>
<td valign=top colspan=2 align=right><FONT face="Trebuchet MS" COLOR=#000000>
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Part and Inventory Search

