I hav a very serious problem using SQL Server and Oracle
I have 2 Database having same structure one in Oracle and other in MSSQL 2000
I want to transfer Data from Oracle to SQL Server
---- Using Code
con.CommandTimeout = 0
con.ConnectionTimeout = 0
con.Open "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Data Source=DatabaseSQL"
SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER 'Link','Oracle', 'MSDAORA','oracle.server' "
con.Execute "exec SP_ADDLINKEDSRvloGIN 'Link',FALSE,'sa','scott','tiger'"
con.Execute "SET XACT_ABORT ON"
con.Execute "Delete from Table1"
strsql = " Insert into TABLE1 SELECT * FROM [Link]..scott.table1 "
con.Execute strsql
-----Code End
This Code gives error stating that 2 Transactions cannot be active...
Code runs properly when Transaction is not used
I need a solution using Transaction for the above code
I have 2 Database having same structure one in Oracle and other in MSSQL 2000
I want to transfer Data from Oracle to SQL Server
---- Using Code
con.CommandTimeout = 0
con.ConnectionTimeout = 0
con.Open "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Data Source=DatabaseSQL"
SP_ADDLINKEDSERVER 'Link','Oracle', 'MSDAORA','oracle.server' "
con.Execute "exec SP_ADDLINKEDSRvloGIN 'Link',FALSE,'sa','scott','tiger'"
con.Execute "SET XACT_ABORT ON"
con.Execute "Delete from Table1"
strsql = " Insert into TABLE1 SELECT * FROM [Link]..scott.table1 "
con.Execute strsql
-----Code End
This Code gives error stating that 2 Transactions cannot be active...
Code runs properly when Transaction is not used
I need a solution using Transaction for the above code