I've got a problem transferring data from msaccess to sqlserver. the set up is as follows.
on the remote site i have an asp file that writes an xml file to the response object.
on my side of things (sql server) i open a recordset to that page
rs.open " "Provider=MSPERSIST", adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdFile
Then i reconnect to my sqlserver, and call rs.updatebatch
here's where the problem is. If i transfer between two access database, or two sqlserver databases, there's no problem. even transferring from a sqlserver database to an access database is no problem.
the errors arise because the rowset schema from an access database comes out with attributes in alphabetical order, whereas sqlserver expects them in the order of which they appear in the table definition.
has any one got any ideas.
ps. sorry for posting this all over the place. it's such an all rounder.
on the remote site i have an asp file that writes an xml file to the response object.
on my side of things (sql server) i open a recordset to that page
rs.open " "Provider=MSPERSIST", adOpenStatic, adLockBatchOptimistic, adCmdFile
Then i reconnect to my sqlserver, and call rs.updatebatch
here's where the problem is. If i transfer between two access database, or two sqlserver databases, there's no problem. even transferring from a sqlserver database to an access database is no problem.
the errors arise because the rowset schema from an access database comes out with attributes in alphabetical order, whereas sqlserver expects them in the order of which they appear in the table definition.
has any one got any ideas.
ps. sorry for posting this all over the place. it's such an all rounder.