For those of you who are familiar with PowerBuilder's drop down data window, I am looking to do something similar in a C# based web form (or windows form). Basically, I am looking to populate a drop down list box from a lookup table (or XML, it does not matter) but bind the control to a field in another table where the data is stored.
Conversely, the control will need to display the correct value from the list when the form is being edited (i.e. the list value corresponding to what was stored in the database table should be displayed bt default).
If anyone has any ideas as to how to accomplish this (or even if it can be done), I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks much!
Conversely, the control will need to display the correct value from the list when the form is being edited (i.e. the list value corresponding to what was stored in the database table should be displayed bt default).
If anyone has any ideas as to how to accomplish this (or even if it can be done), I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks much!