I do not understand why the following code places me into a endless loop. I've read a number of posts on the subject, and have tried different approaches.
Here are the declarations:
And here is the subroutine:
Okay. This all makes sense to me up to here. The counter i is just diagnostic.
The line commented out above doesn't work. I thought I'd fix it later and threw in something inane for the time being, but got stuck in a loop.
I never exit the loop. It's my understanding that the DataReader is supposed to exit when there are no more rows. I don't know of any methods, like .movenext, that I'm supposed to be using.
Note: I originally started this with a Do While . . . Loop construction, and changed it when I read other posts.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
I do not understand why the following code places me into a endless loop. I've read a number of posts on the subject, and have tried different approaches.
Here are the declarations:
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim strResultsHolder As String
Dim myRemoteConnection As New SqlConnection("Data; Initial Catalog=MFMAdmin; User ID=MFMAdmin; Password='MFMKey0143';")
Dim myRemoteSQLQuery As String = "SELECT * FROM aspnet_users"
Dim myLocalSQLQuery As String = "SELECT FirstName from IWTK"
'myRemoteSQLQuery += "Customers WHERE Country = 'US'"
Dim MyLocalConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection("server=MERLIN2\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=SSPI;database=m4m")
Dim myRemoteCommand As _
New SqlCommand(myRemoteSQLQuery, myRemoteConnection)
Dim MyRemoteDataReader As SqlDataReader
Dim MyLocalDataReader As SqlDataReader
And here is the subroutine:
Protected Sub cmdLocalTesting_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLocalTesting.Click
Dim boolHasRows As Boolean
Dim myLocalCommand As New SqlCommand(myLocalSQLQuery, MyLocalConnection)
MyLocalDataReader = myLocalCommand.ExecuteReader()
If MyLocalDataReader.HasRows = False Then
boolHasRows = False
MsgBox("There does not appear to be data in a local table.")
Exit Sub
boolHasRows = True
MsgBox("There appears to be at least one row.")
Dim i As Integer
MsgBox("Says 'True' if the LocalDataReader.HasRows is true " & (MyLocalDataReader.HasRows))
i = i + 1
'Me.txtFirstName.Text = MyLocalDataReader(0).ToString
Me.txtFirstName.Text = "Thomas"
'MsgBox(" In do While loop" & i & " " & (Me.txtFirstName.Text & " " & Me.txtLastName.Text))
Loop While MyLocalDataReader.Read
End If
End Sub
Note: I originally started this with a Do While . . . Loop construction, and changed it when I read other posts.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.