I encounter a problem with a database I assisted in developing. (either Access 97 or 2000 - with VB code running some things behind the scenes). The database queries an SQL database. I work for a government agency and have a database that is used by people who can retrieve data on muliple agencies (I being one of those users). When running the db, these multiple agency users are supposed to be able to select either one agency or leave the field blank to get data on all the agencies their security allows. Here's the strange part: when I run this db(using my security ID) and do not select an agency, the db returns ALL data for ALL agencies my security allows - which is the way it is supposed to work. When someone outside my agency tries to do the same thing (i.e. when they use their own ID and do not select an agency) the db does not return any data! I've been assured by the programmer that there is no code affecting the people who get no data. Any thoughts are very welcome! Joe