I'm pulling down data from an Oracle DB into Access via VBA. The pertinent code is as follows, and is running ok:
strSQL = "INSERT INTO TEMP_DAGENT (dur_signon) SELECT " & txtDatabase & "_DTA_DAGENT.dur_signon FROM " & txtDatabase & "_DTA_DAGENT;"
Debug.Print strSQL
db.Execute strSQL
There are several identical databases in Oracle, represented by & txtDatabase &. All of them have identical _dta_dagent tables with identical fields, and the temp_dagent table in Access has identical fields for dur_signon. Problem is, even though there's data in dur_signon, it's not being dumped into Access. The immediate window is showing Oracle rotate between the various databases represented by & txtDatabase &, but my data isn't coming to Access. Any ideas as to why will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If the square peg won't fit in the round hole, sand off the corners.
strSQL = "INSERT INTO TEMP_DAGENT (dur_signon) SELECT " & txtDatabase & "_DTA_DAGENT.dur_signon FROM " & txtDatabase & "_DTA_DAGENT;"
Debug.Print strSQL
db.Execute strSQL
There are several identical databases in Oracle, represented by & txtDatabase &. All of them have identical _dta_dagent tables with identical fields, and the temp_dagent table in Access has identical fields for dur_signon. Problem is, even though there's data in dur_signon, it's not being dumped into Access. The immediate window is showing Oracle rotate between the various databases represented by & txtDatabase &, but my data isn't coming to Access. Any ideas as to why will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
If the square peg won't fit in the round hole, sand off the corners.