Using Crystal 7.0
When I say printing, I’m not actually sending it to the printer, I’m just viewing it, but when it does print to paper, the data is still missing.
My main report has 3 subreports and each subreport is in separate report footer
Currently one of the subreports is not printing all of the text that should be on the page, nor does it roll over to the next page.
If I change the font, all the text is on the page
If I right mouse click on the report and select Edit, then run the report, I’m able to see an extra line or two, without it rolling over to a new page. (still not seeing it all)
If I right mouse click on the report and select “Save Subreport As..".. and save it as a standalong report and run it, all the pages/text will print. The 3 missing lines of data will roll over to the next page.
I have uncheck all the “Keep Together” options, it is set to “Can Grow”.
How can I resolve this?
When I say printing, I’m not actually sending it to the printer, I’m just viewing it, but when it does print to paper, the data is still missing.
My main report has 3 subreports and each subreport is in separate report footer
Currently one of the subreports is not printing all of the text that should be on the page, nor does it roll over to the next page.
If I change the font, all the text is on the page
If I right mouse click on the report and select Edit, then run the report, I’m able to see an extra line or two, without it rolling over to a new page. (still not seeing it all)
If I right mouse click on the report and select “Save Subreport As..".. and save it as a standalong report and run it, all the pages/text will print. The 3 missing lines of data will roll over to the next page.
I have uncheck all the “Keep Together” options, it is set to “Can Grow”.
How can I resolve this?