I have a patterned text report of numerous voicemail distribution lists that I want to move to Access. My goal is to 1) look up an individual's mailbox and identify all distribution lists it could receive messages from and 2) list all individual mailboxes a distribution list will send to.
The text report is a mix of page headings, list number and name, then sections of a columnar report with "Nested System Lists" and "Mailboxes". A single system list can contain either Nested or Mailboxes, or both. The Nested and Mailbox columns vary row length, and at times rows will extend to another page of the report where the column headings repeat; finally ending with "Total Entries on list 5551212: ..." before another list number begins.
I know I could extract this data with Procomm Aspect, but since I want to further import and manipulate the captured data with Access, will VBA be able to mine the data looking for keywords and selecting the data out of the text file?
Is there a sample of VBA code which would give me a start to how I can convert this text report?
The text report is a mix of page headings, list number and name, then sections of a columnar report with "Nested System Lists" and "Mailboxes". A single system list can contain either Nested or Mailboxes, or both. The Nested and Mailbox columns vary row length, and at times rows will extend to another page of the report where the column headings repeat; finally ending with "Total Entries on list 5551212: ..." before another list number begins.
I know I could extract this data with Procomm Aspect, but since I want to further import and manipulate the captured data with Access, will VBA be able to mine the data looking for keywords and selecting the data out of the text file?
Is there a sample of VBA code which would give me a start to how I can convert this text report?