I have successfully done a data dump onto my local machine from accpac.
However when i'm tryng to do a data load, i hit the following error message:-
Insert Error 49153
Notice Code:0
Microsoft ODBC CP1 driver version mismatch
I have had no problems of data load or dump from any other client machine accept for one. The client machine is running Windows XP Pro with SP2 and runnning Accpac 5.3 on SQL 2005.
Please Advice.
Thanks in Advance
I have successfully done a data dump onto my local machine from accpac.
However when i'm tryng to do a data load, i hit the following error message:-
Insert Error 49153
Notice Code:0
Microsoft ODBC CP1 driver version mismatch
I have had no problems of data load or dump from any other client machine accept for one. The client machine is running Windows XP Pro with SP2 and runnning Accpac 5.3 on SQL 2005.
Please Advice.
Thanks in Advance