We are finally upgrading from WIN2000 to XP. We have a web application that uses the data grid object: classid="CLSID:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
There is VB code embedded with a Cold Fusion page that populates the data grid object. It seems some of the properties and methods have changed. Does any one know where I can find a reference for what I believe is the document collection:
Sub LoadData()
<cfloop index="dataindex" from="1" to="#numsheets#" csvlist = ""
theSheet = "oper#dataindex#"
csvlist = Replace("#Sheetlist[dataindex]#", "$$",Chr(13))
With document.all.item(theSheet)
'.screenupdating = False
.screenupdating seems to be no longer valid, but I do not know where to look to find some reference material to tell me what IS valid now...
We are finally upgrading from WIN2000 to XP. We have a web application that uses the data grid object: classid="CLSID:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
There is VB code embedded with a Cold Fusion page that populates the data grid object. It seems some of the properties and methods have changed. Does any one know where I can find a reference for what I believe is the document collection:
Sub LoadData()
<cfloop index="dataindex" from="1" to="#numsheets#" csvlist = ""
theSheet = "oper#dataindex#"
csvlist = Replace("#Sheetlist[dataindex]#", "$$",Chr(13))
With document.all.item(theSheet)
'.screenupdating = False
.screenupdating seems to be no longer valid, but I do not know where to look to find some reference material to tell me what IS valid now...