I am using Crystal XI.
I have a subreport that is calculating a number. The sample data I am using is calculating the number 10 which is the correct number. I have that number displaying in my main report. What I am looking to do is to take that number and use it in a calculation in my main report. When I go to create my formula, there is no listing for the subreport to use. Below is an example of what I am trying to do.
My subreport is called Licensed Beds. I need to take the number that the subreport creates and multiply it by the days in the month.
For Example:
((Licensed Beds) * (@Days in Month))
This is a basic example, my real life scenario is more complex but I have that part figured out.
Any thoughts on how to use a number that the subreport creates in a formula in the main report.
I have a subreport that is calculating a number. The sample data I am using is calculating the number 10 which is the correct number. I have that number displaying in my main report. What I am looking to do is to take that number and use it in a calculation in my main report. When I go to create my formula, there is no listing for the subreport to use. Below is an example of what I am trying to do.
My subreport is called Licensed Beds. I need to take the number that the subreport creates and multiply it by the days in the month.
For Example:
((Licensed Beds) * (@Days in Month))
This is a basic example, my real life scenario is more complex but I have that part figured out.
Any thoughts on how to use a number that the subreport creates in a formula in the main report.