I have a database consisting of 5 Tables. This is alot so please bare with me...
fields...Protocol#(KEY), StudyDiscription, Phase, ect.
fields...PIID(KEY), PIFirstName, PILastName, Address, ect.
fields...DocId(Key), DocumentType,Received/Sent, DateSent<>DateReceived(depending if document is being sent or received from PI),ect.
fields...RevID(Key), Type of Review, Reviewer, DateSubmittedForReview, DateReviewComplet,Accepted(Yes/No)
LINK TABLE(many to many relationship)
fields...Protocol(key), PIID(key), DocId(key), RevId(key) (linked to respective table)
A study can have many investigators and these same investigators can be involved with many different studies. In order for the investigators to participate they must submit many different documents for review. Their are three different types of review(ex. Corporate Review, Clin Ops Review, Reg Review). The type of documents determines the first type of review(ex. ICF Doc = Clin Ops Review/ CRA Doc = Corporate Review). After the documents have been checked by clin ops reviewer, or corporate reviewer and excepted they must be submitted as a whole packet(all doc's together) for Reg Review. And then if accepted by reg review can PI's may particpate.
1. Are my relationships correct or should their be any additions/deletions in tables.
2. If my relationships are correct(and I belive they are)can someone assist me in setting up a data entry form.
I have been working on this database for some time now and have ran into some many snags that has held me up and now my time is running down on me for completing this task. So any help is greatly appriciated. I just can't seem to get my data linked correctly. I belive that creating the forms has been the biggest problem for me.
Sorry about the long post
and thanks!
fields...Protocol#(KEY), StudyDiscription, Phase, ect.
fields...PIID(KEY), PIFirstName, PILastName, Address, ect.
fields...DocId(Key), DocumentType,Received/Sent, DateSent<>DateReceived(depending if document is being sent or received from PI),ect.
fields...RevID(Key), Type of Review, Reviewer, DateSubmittedForReview, DateReviewComplet,Accepted(Yes/No)
LINK TABLE(many to many relationship)
fields...Protocol(key), PIID(key), DocId(key), RevId(key) (linked to respective table)
A study can have many investigators and these same investigators can be involved with many different studies. In order for the investigators to participate they must submit many different documents for review. Their are three different types of review(ex. Corporate Review, Clin Ops Review, Reg Review). The type of documents determines the first type of review(ex. ICF Doc = Clin Ops Review/ CRA Doc = Corporate Review). After the documents have been checked by clin ops reviewer, or corporate reviewer and excepted they must be submitted as a whole packet(all doc's together) for Reg Review. And then if accepted by reg review can PI's may particpate.
1. Are my relationships correct or should their be any additions/deletions in tables.
2. If my relationships are correct(and I belive they are)can someone assist me in setting up a data entry form.
I have been working on this database for some time now and have ran into some many snags that has held me up and now my time is running down on me for completing this task. So any help is greatly appriciated. I just can't seem to get my data linked correctly. I belive that creating the forms has been the biggest problem for me.
Sorry about the long post
and thanks!