I have a form in my database that is bounded to a table (tblApps). The header on this form has two controls where users enter data and then press a command button (cmdSubmit)to filter the form to populate controls in the form's detail area. One of these controls is a listbox which has a rowsource of
SELECT tblApps.Title, tblApps.Description, tblApps.AppID FROM tblApps WHERE (((tblApps.CSCIID)=[txtCSCI]) AND ((tblApps.DropID)=[cboDrop]));
With Column widths of 3.5";0";0".
When the cmdSubmit button is pressed, the following is done:
1) create the criteria for filter
2) apply criteria to form (filter table)
3) requery listbox
Now, when there is data in the listbox and after clicking the entries in the box, I then hit the cmdSubmit button again. Whatever item was selected last ALWAYS replaces the first record of the list box! I'm using Me.lstApps.Requery to refresh the listbox. I even tried Me.Refresh to refresh the form - same results! I have a Dynaset Recordset for the form.
I'm at wits end to correct this problem... ANY SUGGESTION is appreciated and welcomed! Thank you in advance.
SELECT tblApps.Title, tblApps.Description, tblApps.AppID FROM tblApps WHERE (((tblApps.CSCIID)=[txtCSCI]) AND ((tblApps.DropID)=[cboDrop]));
With Column widths of 3.5";0";0".
When the cmdSubmit button is pressed, the following is done:
1) create the criteria for filter
2) apply criteria to form (filter table)
3) requery listbox
Now, when there is data in the listbox and after clicking the entries in the box, I then hit the cmdSubmit button again. Whatever item was selected last ALWAYS replaces the first record of the list box! I'm using Me.lstApps.Requery to refresh the listbox. I even tried Me.Refresh to refresh the form - same results! I have a Dynaset Recordset for the form.
I'm at wits end to correct this problem... ANY SUGGESTION is appreciated and welcomed! Thank you in advance.