Problem 1
I am using the sqldataadapter wizard to use Query builder. I connected 2 tables, customer(cust_id(pk), acct_id(fk)) and accounts(acct_id(pk)). As I progress through the wizard I get a multiple table error message. The wizard does not handle multiple tables and tells me I need to write manual script from the insert, update and delete. Am I going to need to go into form.vb and write code. I would rather use the wizard if I can (less coding). Ultimately if a customer is entered, the cust_id and acc_id are to be incremented so the 2 tables need to bec connected. Any code examples would be appreciated
Problem 2
Since I am using a datagrid to present the data, is there a way to present the datagrid in a format other than a horizontal spreadsheet style? I have many fields and limited space across the form.
I am using the sqldataadapter wizard to use Query builder. I connected 2 tables, customer(cust_id(pk), acct_id(fk)) and accounts(acct_id(pk)). As I progress through the wizard I get a multiple table error message. The wizard does not handle multiple tables and tells me I need to write manual script from the insert, update and delete. Am I going to need to go into form.vb and write code. I would rather use the wizard if I can (less coding). Ultimately if a customer is entered, the cust_id and acc_id are to be incremented so the 2 tables need to bec connected. Any code examples would be appreciated
Problem 2
Since I am using a datagrid to present the data, is there a way to present the datagrid in a format other than a horizontal spreadsheet style? I have many fields and limited space across the form.