Techniproshop wrote 5 May 07 1:56
Hi fneily. Me again...!
This is almost what I'm looking for but in my DAP I have a drop-down-list that I want to use to apply a filter. I want the page to show only the records that match that drop-down-list "on change"
Dim rs
Set rs = MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Clone
Filter to be applied to [costs] from the drop-down-list "SCOSTS"
fneily (Instructor) 5 May 07 13:13
Techniproshop - didn't we just do this??
And please start new threads.
<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onchange for=SCOSTS>
Dim rs
Set rs=MSODSC.DefaultRecordset
rs.Find "[costs] = '" & document.all.item("SCOSTS").value & "'", 0, 1, 1
The rs.Find statement is on one line.
------------------My new thread---------------------------
Yes we did that, well, not exactly the samething! The other search list was for filtering on a unique number (SPROJECT). Now, if I use the same code for my other combolist, I get only the first record that match the combobox but what I want is all the records that match that combobox. That's why I thought I had to use the "clone" search command. When I create my DAP, I get automatically a Navigation bar in the navigation section which has the options for filtering a control. That's not why I need. I prefer the user make a choice from a combo list and whatever he choose, the system will filter the table and show only the records that match that choice. I want the same effect has the navigation bar but with a combobox.
Then the user will see how many records match his criteria.
Hi fneily. Me again...!
This is almost what I'm looking for but in my DAP I have a drop-down-list that I want to use to apply a filter. I want the page to show only the records that match that drop-down-list "on change"
Dim rs
Set rs = MSODSC.DataPages(0).Recordset.Clone
Filter to be applied to [costs] from the drop-down-list "SCOSTS"
fneily (Instructor) 5 May 07 13:13
Techniproshop - didn't we just do this??
And please start new threads.
<SCRIPT language=vbscript event=onchange for=SCOSTS>
Dim rs
Set rs=MSODSC.DefaultRecordset
rs.Find "[costs] = '" & document.all.item("SCOSTS").value & "'", 0, 1, 1
The rs.Find statement is on one line.
------------------My new thread---------------------------
Yes we did that, well, not exactly the samething! The other search list was for filtering on a unique number (SPROJECT). Now, if I use the same code for my other combolist, I get only the first record that match the combobox but what I want is all the records that match that combobox. That's why I thought I had to use the "clone" search command. When I create my DAP, I get automatically a Navigation bar in the navigation section which has the options for filtering a control. That's not why I need. I prefer the user make a choice from a combo list and whatever he choose, the system will filter the table and show only the records that match that choice. I want the same effect has the navigation bar but with a combobox.
Then the user will see how many records match his criteria.