Below is a chunk of code, that was working
fine until I added the "'Mid(a$, 91, 10)" line...
The list control was listing over thirty smiths in the database.
I add the line and run a test, and now the Query acts like 'Distinct'.
It now only finds the first instance of smith and the k variable reports 1
It's not yanking a recordset anymore, just one record...
I did open the database, to verify the "ID" fieldname, but made no change,
and it doesnt matter whether the db is open or closed.
Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
Set dbsDebit = wrkJet.OpenDatabase(DBname)
Set Rst = dbsDebit.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE_
ClientLastName = """ + CustomerMaint.Text1(0).Text + """", dbOpenDynaset, ReadOnly)
While Rst.EOF = False
k = Rst.RecordCount ' this is a test line after failure
If CustomerMaint.Text1(1).Text = "" Then 'no firstname
a$ = Space$(100)
Mid(a$, 1, Len(Rst("ClientLastName")) + 2) = Rst("ClientLastName") + ", "
Mid(a$, Len(CustomerMaint.Text1(0).Text) + 3, Len(Rst("ClientFirstName"))) = Rst("ClientFirstName")
Mid(a$, 35, 4) = Right(Rst("ClientSSN"), 4)
'Mid(a$, 91, 10) = Right("0000000000" + LTrim(Str(Rst("ID"))), 10) ' this was the offending line
't$ = Right("0000000000" + LTrim(Str(Rst("ID"))), 10) 'this was to ck it - not production
List1.AddItem a$
Set wrkJet = Nothing
Set dbsDebit = Nothing
Set Rst = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
Does anyone know of this happening to a DAO query, or have any ideas?
Oh, Access db 2000, opened/closed with 2003, VB6 sp6, refering DAO 3.6
fine until I added the "'Mid(a$, 91, 10)" line...
The list control was listing over thirty smiths in the database.
I add the line and run a test, and now the Query acts like 'Distinct'.
It now only finds the first instance of smith and the k variable reports 1
It's not yanking a recordset anymore, just one record...
I did open the database, to verify the "ID" fieldname, but made no change,
and it doesnt matter whether the db is open or closed.
Set wrkJet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
Set dbsDebit = wrkJet.OpenDatabase(DBname)
Set Rst = dbsDebit.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE_
ClientLastName = """ + CustomerMaint.Text1(0).Text + """", dbOpenDynaset, ReadOnly)
While Rst.EOF = False
k = Rst.RecordCount ' this is a test line after failure
If CustomerMaint.Text1(1).Text = "" Then 'no firstname
a$ = Space$(100)
Mid(a$, 1, Len(Rst("ClientLastName")) + 2) = Rst("ClientLastName") + ", "
Mid(a$, Len(CustomerMaint.Text1(0).Text) + 3, Len(Rst("ClientFirstName"))) = Rst("ClientFirstName")
Mid(a$, 35, 4) = Right(Rst("ClientSSN"), 4)
'Mid(a$, 91, 10) = Right("0000000000" + LTrim(Str(Rst("ID"))), 10) ' this was the offending line
't$ = Right("0000000000" + LTrim(Str(Rst("ID"))), 10) 'this was to ck it - not production
List1.AddItem a$
Set wrkJet = Nothing
Set dbsDebit = Nothing
Set Rst = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
Does anyone know of this happening to a DAO query, or have any ideas?
Oh, Access db 2000, opened/closed with 2003, VB6 sp6, refering DAO 3.6