I'm having a problem getting a D100 to connect to an Avaya IPOffice 500v2 system. The system in question is running 9.0.1200.
I'm able to communicate with the D100 no problem and I've logged in to assign it an IP address on the local network. I've also configured the IP Office with the SIP DECT Line and entered the D100's Mac address and IP information into it. Note the IP Office is on a different LAN Segment than the D100. However, I don't think that's a problem as I have another that works fine (different control unit).
Originally the D100 wasn't able to connect to the IP Office to get the firmware and config files, but I was able to connect to the IP Office unit through HTTP and download the files:
D100.cfg, D100Settings.txt, D100Prov.txt (although D100Prov.txt is basically blank, just says "## IPOFFICE/ build 1006 IP ADDR AUTOGENERATED" at the top). Once I did this I put the files on another file server and the D100 downloaded and loaded the firmware and configuration just fine. However, after loading the configuration it couldn't connect to the SIP Server.
Well, to make a long story short, I've been messing around with this for hours upon hours and determined that the D100 will connect to the SIP Server when the IP Office's LAN VOIP configuration doesn't have the "SIP Registrar Enabled" box checked. However, it still doesn't connect to System Status and show the IP of the unit there. I know that the "SIP Registrar Enabled" box is required for it to work, but when I enable it and restart the IP Office, then the D100 can't connect any longer.
Here are some logs:
With the "SIP Registrar Enabled" NOT CHECKED:
[2000/01/01 00:22:22.573] 0180 HS2 EVENT_SIP_SERVER_RECONNECT
[2000/01/01 00:22:22.574] Initialize D100 Base System Finish.
Firmware Version : D100_1.2.7_0.9.6
Hardware Version : 4
NV Version : 16
Firmware Side : 2 - 1
(Base Information)
Serial ID : SID:002511144651125850DDE8B6
MAC Address : 00:E0:11:0C:BA:2C
RF ID : 01:85:89B8
MARKET(0:GL/1:EU): 0
UserAgent(0100): 0
BootStrap(0:Normal): 0
Number of Regist : 2
(Handset Information)
LOGIN MAP : 0x00
[1] 0089dbd801018589dbd80089dbd801ffffffffffff
[2] 0185720623f3fa1e0e29c3c28d442c5d995a5df453
[3] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[4] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[5] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[6] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[7] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[8] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[1] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[2] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[3] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[4] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[5] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[6] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[7] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[8] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.019] 0181 HS1 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.019] 0182 HS2 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.020] 0183 HS3 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.021] 0184 HS4 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.022] 0185 HS5 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.023] 0186 HS6 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.023] 0187 HS7 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.024] 0188 HS8 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.024] 0189 HS1 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.026] 0190 HS2 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.029] 0191 HS3 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.031] 0192 HS4 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.033] 0193 HS5 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.035] 0194 HS6 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.037] 0195 HS7 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.039] 0196 HS8 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:25:22.719] 0197 Try to Connect SIP Server...
[2000/01/01 00:25:22.756] 0198 - succes.
[2000/01/01 00:25:22.757] 0199 HS1 EVENT_SIP_SERVER_RECONNECT
[2000/01/01 00:25:22.757] 0200 HS2 EVENT_SIP_SERVER_RECONNECT
With the "SIP Registrar Enabled" CHECKED:
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.790] 0050 Try to Connect Configuration Server...
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.790] 0051 [/D100.cfg] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.821] 0052 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.822] 0053 [/D100prov.txt] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.837] 0054 - There is difference between Provisioning File and current settings.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.838] 0055 << ATTENTION>> Provisioning File Setting failed. Boot by current settings...
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.839] 0056 [/D100settings.txt] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.861] 0057 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.862] 0058 [W] << ATTENTION>> [DIALING_PLAN] File is not defined in the config file.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.910] 0059 [D100_Italian.lng] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:21.616] 0060 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:21.616] 0061 [D100_German.lng] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:22.324] 0062 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:22.325] 0063 [D100_Spanish.lng] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:23.032] 0064 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:23.033] 0065 [D100_French.lng] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:23.745] 0066 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.528] 0067 - succes.
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.528] 0068 Try to Connect SIP Server...
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.559] 0069 [E] Can not Connection SIP Server.
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.560] 0070 HS1 EVENT_NO_SERVICE
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.562] 0071 HS2 EVENT_NO_SERVICE
This is very strange to me and I'm pretty much beating my head against the wall right now, so any help is greatly appreciated.
One more note I will make: The IP Office I'm trying to connect to D100 to has IPs configured on LAN1 and LAN2. The autogenerated D100Settings.txt file for some reason was defaulting the IP in the config to the IP on LAN2, but this site connects to the IP Office on LAN1, so I changed the IP in the config. However, I'm pretty sure this isn't a problem as I tried reconfiguring the site to connect the control unit on LAN2 and reset the config to default and it still behaved the same.
I'm pretty much out of ideas...
I'm having a problem getting a D100 to connect to an Avaya IPOffice 500v2 system. The system in question is running 9.0.1200.
I'm able to communicate with the D100 no problem and I've logged in to assign it an IP address on the local network. I've also configured the IP Office with the SIP DECT Line and entered the D100's Mac address and IP information into it. Note the IP Office is on a different LAN Segment than the D100. However, I don't think that's a problem as I have another that works fine (different control unit).
Originally the D100 wasn't able to connect to the IP Office to get the firmware and config files, but I was able to connect to the IP Office unit through HTTP and download the files:
D100.cfg, D100Settings.txt, D100Prov.txt (although D100Prov.txt is basically blank, just says "## IPOFFICE/ build 1006 IP ADDR AUTOGENERATED" at the top). Once I did this I put the files on another file server and the D100 downloaded and loaded the firmware and configuration just fine. However, after loading the configuration it couldn't connect to the SIP Server.
Well, to make a long story short, I've been messing around with this for hours upon hours and determined that the D100 will connect to the SIP Server when the IP Office's LAN VOIP configuration doesn't have the "SIP Registrar Enabled" box checked. However, it still doesn't connect to System Status and show the IP of the unit there. I know that the "SIP Registrar Enabled" box is required for it to work, but when I enable it and restart the IP Office, then the D100 can't connect any longer.
Here are some logs:
With the "SIP Registrar Enabled" NOT CHECKED:
[2000/01/01 00:22:22.573] 0180 HS2 EVENT_SIP_SERVER_RECONNECT
[2000/01/01 00:22:22.574] Initialize D100 Base System Finish.
Firmware Version : D100_1.2.7_0.9.6
Hardware Version : 4
NV Version : 16
Firmware Side : 2 - 1
(Base Information)
Serial ID : SID:002511144651125850DDE8B6
MAC Address : 00:E0:11:0C:BA:2C
RF ID : 01:85:89B8
MARKET(0:GL/1:EU): 0
UserAgent(0100): 0
BootStrap(0:Normal): 0
Number of Regist : 2
(Handset Information)
LOGIN MAP : 0x00
[1] 0089dbd801018589dbd80089dbd801ffffffffffff
[2] 0185720623f3fa1e0e29c3c28d442c5d995a5df453
[3] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[4] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[5] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[6] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[7] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[8] ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[1] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[2] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[3] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[4] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[5] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[6] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[7] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[8] 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.019] 0181 HS1 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.019] 0182 HS2 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.020] 0183 HS3 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.021] 0184 HS4 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.022] 0185 HS5 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.023] 0186 HS6 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.023] 0187 HS7 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.024] 0188 HS8 EVENT_SIP_SERVICE_IN
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.024] 0189 HS1 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.026] 0190 HS2 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.029] 0191 HS3 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.031] 0192 HS4 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.033] 0193 HS5 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.035] 0194 HS6 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.037] 0195 HS7 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:22:24.039] 0196 HS8 EVENT_INITLOGOUT
[2000/01/01 00:25:22.719] 0197 Try to Connect SIP Server...
[2000/01/01 00:25:22.756] 0198 - succes.
[2000/01/01 00:25:22.757] 0199 HS1 EVENT_SIP_SERVER_RECONNECT
[2000/01/01 00:25:22.757] 0200 HS2 EVENT_SIP_SERVER_RECONNECT
With the "SIP Registrar Enabled" CHECKED:
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.790] 0050 Try to Connect Configuration Server...
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.790] 0051 [/D100.cfg] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.821] 0052 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.822] 0053 [/D100prov.txt] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.837] 0054 - There is difference between Provisioning File and current settings.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.838] 0055 << ATTENTION>> Provisioning File Setting failed. Boot by current settings...
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.839] 0056 [/D100settings.txt] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.861] 0057 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.862] 0058 [W] << ATTENTION>> [DIALING_PLAN] File is not defined in the config file.
[2000/01/01 00:06:20.910] 0059 [D100_Italian.lng] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:21.616] 0060 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:21.616] 0061 [D100_German.lng] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:22.324] 0062 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:22.325] 0063 [D100_Spanish.lng] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:23.032] 0064 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:23.033] 0065 [D100_French.lng] reading.
[2000/01/01 00:06:23.745] 0066 - finished.
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.528] 0067 - succes.
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.528] 0068 Try to Connect SIP Server...
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.559] 0069 [E] Can not Connection SIP Server.
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.560] 0070 HS1 EVENT_NO_SERVICE
[2000/01/01 00:06:24.562] 0071 HS2 EVENT_NO_SERVICE
This is very strange to me and I'm pretty much beating my head against the wall right now, so any help is greatly appreciated.
One more note I will make: The IP Office I'm trying to connect to D100 to has IPs configured on LAN1 and LAN2. The autogenerated D100Settings.txt file for some reason was defaulting the IP in the config to the IP on LAN2, but this site connects to the IP Office on LAN1, so I changed the IP in the config. However, I'm pretty sure this isn't a problem as I tried reconfiguring the site to connect the control unit on LAN2 and reset the config to default and it still behaved the same.
I'm pretty much out of ideas...